Psychology provides us with the tools to get under the hood and uncover the inner workings of prejudice. It helps us to understand what motivates us to behave the way we do and how to change it.  

With 40 years of experience, our expert psychologists are deeply versed in the field of diversity, equity and inclusion. From pioneering behavioural research to guiding organisations in fostering inclusive cultures, we employ a research-backed approach to diversity and inclusion that delivers proven outcomes. 

Explore our collection of diversity and inclusion psychology resources to drive meaningful behavioural change throughout your organisation. 

of employees have experienced racism in the workplace; over 50% have witnessed someone being racist. 
of black and Asian employees report that colleagues make assumptions about their ability, character or behaviour based on stereotypes. 
of employees with disabilities feel discouraged to speak about this due to fear of discrimination and stigma. 

Why psychology holds the key to inclusion
Why psychology holds the key to inclusion

Psychology enables us to get under the hood and uncover the inner workings of prejudice, and it also gives us the tools to build more inclusive working environments. Professor Binna Kandola, Founder and Senior Partner of business psychology consultancy Pearn Kandola, explains

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The inclusion delusion: Why we are all part of the problem
The inclusion delusion: Why we are all part of the problem

Professor Binna Kandola, Founder and Senior Partner of business psychology consultancy Pearn Kandola, explains how we can all fall victim to bias and why we are all responsible for making change happen.

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Using motivation to drive inclusion
Using motivation to drive inclusion

Understanding what motivates individuals to be inclusive is key to getting your people to engage with diversity, equity and inclusion and ensuring that you get the best return on your training investment.

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Are we moving the dial on DEI or just ticking the boxes?
Are we moving the dial on DEI or just ticking the boxes?

Organisations across the board are taking action on diversity and inclusion, but is all this activity leading to fairer and more equitable workplaces? We take a look at what’s working in the DEI space and what organisations can do to bring about real and lasting change.

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The 4 stages of behaviour change
The 4 stages of behaviour change

Successful inclusion training goes beyond awareness-raising and brings about measurable, sustainable shifts in behaviour. An impressive 96% of Kandola+ learners demonstrate more inclusive behaviours, and that’s because our programmes use a science-backed 4-stage approach to behaviour change.

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The Value of Difference: eliminating bias at work

This book dives into the latest research into human behaviour. Join Prof. Binna Kandola as he unravels the mysteries behind bias. Discover why biases exist, how they infiltrate organisations, and uncover the techniques we can adopt to eliminate them.


The Invention of Difference: the story of gender bias at work

Does the only way to achieve gender equality at work lie in accepting the natural and unchangeable differences between men and women? Or is acceptance of difference a blind alley – and a means of perpetuating the very inequality at stake? Psychologists Binna and Jo Kandola show how today’s gender equality stems not from biology or evolution but from social constructs, viewpoints, and bias.

Using historical, sociological, and psychological perspectives, they demonstrate how gendered outcomes at work are not natural but artificial. This book explains how we – men and women together – built a world divided between men and women. It shows where our ideas of gender identity came from, how they operate in the world of work, and what we can do to change them… if we really want to.


Free to Soar: Race and Wellbeing in Organisations

A sense of belonging and inclusion in the workplace is vital for all employees’ wellbeing, yet the default state that minorities find themselves in is exclusion. What’s more, minorities are more aware of negative social cues, which can further distance them from their fellow employees. As a result, not only do minorities’ emotional states decrease, but their performance does as well.

This ground-breaking book examines in detail the negative effects discrimination has on minority groups. It looks at the degree to which employees are affected, mentally and physically, by issues such as racial trauma and micro-incivilities. It discusses how wellbeing and performance at work are intrinsically linked and offers practical solutions for both employers and employees to combat race and bias in the workplace. Ultimately, when minorities’ wellbeing increases, so does their resilience, performance, career prospects, and their organisation benefits as well.




Combat bias and champion inclusion with our evidence-based diversity, equity and inclusion learning programmes.   

Our unparalleled 4-step model of behaviour change and tailored, interactive learning materials help 89% of people become more inclusive.  

 ​Bite-size expert-led videos, validated inclusion assessments, personalised action plans and measures of impact all combine to deliver long term business success.



Unlock the power of inclusivity with the Kandola+ suite of inclusion assessments. Offering your team members clear, non-judgmental feedback on how to be an inclusive leader or colleague.  

Grounded in science and trusted by over 150 organisations and tens of thousands of learners, our assessments provide objective, data-driven insights into unconscious bias and behaviour.

Empower your diverse workforce to recognise their strengths, identify areas for development and take proactive steps towards fostering more inclusive behaviour.



Showcase your commitment to DEI with transparency and accountability. 

Kandola+ intelligent analytics presents tangible data on DE&I progress – perfect for supporting ESG and B-Corp assessments, and for sharing your progress with stakeholders.​  

Track learner engagement, pinpoint your organisation’s inclusion strengths and weaknesses, and demonstrate meaningful change with your inclusion impact score. 



Inclusive Leadership Programme For The University Of Cambridge

Read more about our work with The University of Cambridge to develop leaders who embraced difference and practised inclusion in their day-to-day role. The impact? 97% of leaders who participated in our programme demonstrated more inclusive behaviours.

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Our work with NHS England and Improvement

Discover how we initiated allyship behaviours with NHS England and Improvement.

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Are your people motivated to make a difference? 

Motivated people want to learn about themselves and understand the role they play in creating and promoting inclusion. 

Book a demo today to see how Kandola+ can:

  • Ignite employee engagement.
  • Inspire different perspectives.
  • Bring about behaviour change in just 28 days.